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January e-Newsletter : Develop Green Transport to Help Building a Low-Carbon city, How Can We Invest in a Green Way, Save Our Santa

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《牛津詞典》剛宣布將「climate emergency」(氣候緊急狀態)列為二○一九年年度詞彙,反映出圍繞氣候的語言已「明顯升級」,全球暖化已成過去一年的全球關注點。談及氣候變化,大家會直接聯想到發電所產生的碳排放。事實上,交通運輸的碳排放亦不容忽視,本港能源最終用途有約三成用於交通運輸上,佔本地溫室氣體排放量高達一成八...

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What Hong Kong must do to survive the deadly impact of a warming Earth

The UN Climate Change Conference COP25 started this week in Madrid. While some might find it tiring to be constantly reminded about the looming threat of climate change, the reality is that climate change is real and accelerating. We passed 1 degree Celsius of warming in 2015 and are likely to reach 2 degrees by 2050, at the current pace...

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How Can We Invest in a Green Way?

There is no doubt that interest in ESG is on the rise. Nowadays, investors have been taking an avid interest to integrate financial valuation with environmental, social and governance criteria in selection and management of assets.  Particularly, investors are interested in evaluating how ESG can be fully integrated into investment process and demanding analysis of ESG factors to identify change and fulfil the potential for accelerating returns.  In order to achieve that, investors can apply different strategies to fully integrated ESG into their investing process: 1) Norms-Based Screening;  2) ESG Integration;  3) Negative screening and Positive/ Best in Classes Screening; 4) Impact/ Community Investing; 5) Sustainability-Themed Investing; and 6) Corporate Eng...

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Save Our Santa

Over 30 companies have shown their support on our "Save Our Santa” event last month. Santa and his reindeer are now fully charged and are ready to deliver used clothes donation to different people. Some of the clothes will be sent to a recycling factory to undergo upcycling procedures which new textile can be obtained.  

In addition to donating clothes to reduce waste, Santa would also like to call for public’s adoption to "Goodbye Goodbuy” habit. Say Goodbye to waste and over-consumption; Goodbuy when buying new clothes. Choose clothes that are made from sustainable materials so that they can be worn for a long period.

Event Review

Winter Clothes Distribution at Shui Pin

Jointly-organised with Samuel Lai, District Council Member of Yuen Long Shui Bin, Winter Clothes Distribution at Shui Pin was successfully held on 29 December. Around 1,000 clothes were distributed to approximately 200 participants. 

Hopefully a big step towards reducing textile waste and reallocating resources to people from different backgrounds can keep everyone warm getting through the winter.

Please stay tuned for more clothes distributing events in the future!

Event Review

Corporate Member Event “Workshop of Clean Recycling – Used Plastic Bottles”

"Workshop of Clean Recycling – Used Plastic Bottles” was successfully held on 21 Dec. Through attending the clean recycling talk, all participants learned to sort out different types of plastic bottles and had a chance to experience the hardship of appropriate sorting procedure. The activity raised their awareness of the importance of clean recycling.

To increase the quantity of recyclables collected and to reduce the amount of waste disposed, public are advised to rinse the plastic bottles thoroughly before putting into recycling bins. Other types of plastic waste should not be disposed to the 3-colour recycling bins.

Corporate Enquiry

FoE (HK) welcomes people from all walks of life to join us as volunteers.

We are now recruiting office volunteers to assist our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement. 

Interested parties, please visit our website. 

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