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April e-Newsletter : Earth Day Special: Our Earth, Our Health; Plant for the Earth; Wash Hands-Save Water-Save Life; What can we learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic? |
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Hello Sir, |
Earth Day Special: Our Earth, Our Health |
Virus has been playing hide-and-seek with human species.
How to redeem our Health? How to redeem our Planet? How to redeem our peace of mind for the Future?
Immunity, Immunity and Immunity! That is the "buzz” word we keep hearing from virologists, microbiologists, epidemiologists, pathologists and infectious disease researchers.
April 22 is Earth Day. Spare a thought for Planet Earth. Eco-Health and People Health need equal attention. Any new thinking? |
The Significance of Trees to our Planet Earth |
Trees play an important role in maintaining the balance between human beings and the Earth. In Hong Kong, despite country parks are widely distributed, the only "tree” we can see in urban areas are concrete or glass skyscrapers. Trees have many benefits ranging from reducing heat island effect, improving air quality, mitigating the impacts of climate change by absorbing carbon, preventing soil erosion, to enhancing biodiversity. We should plant more trees inside cities and create more green spaces so that the liveability of our city, and even our Earth can be improved.
Interested in planting trees with us? Please email us at rps@foe.org.hk to learn more about Tree Planting Challenge. |
建築材料 被遺忘的碳排放
南極熱過香港,儘管大部分人都可能不相信,遺憾事實真的如此。巴西科學家二月初於南極考察時錄得當地氣溫高達攝氏二十點七五度,較同日香港氣溫為高,打破南極洲最高溫度紀錄。世界氣象組織(World Meteorological Organization)的一項最新數據顯示,二○一○至二○一九年更是史上最熱的十年,而去年全球平均溫度成為有記錄以來第二高,與「巴黎協定」攝氏一點五度目標只有零點四度差距,進一步反映全球暖化的嚴重性。
Don’t Let Hong Kong End up Paying a Heavy Price for Cheap Water
March 22 was World Water Day, with this year’s theme highlighting the intricate link between water and climate change. Longer hot seasons, more intense rainstorms, rising sea levels, and the increasing threat of storm surges from extreme weather events, climate change exacerbates many water threats to Hong Kong. But water security is a key issue that is often understated outside of the Water Supplies Department.
What can we learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic?
It’s unbelievable to see what have happened in the world in the last 2 months. "Working from home’ and ‘social distancing’ become the new norm and we all have to embrace the new way of life. What wake you up during the night? Are you worried about being one of the "confirmed case”? Are you concerned about the impact to your business and job security? Are you scrambling to see the arrival of a bear market with your investment and currency being devalued?
Dealing with Waste – Asia’s Ongoing Challenge
As the coronavirus continues to create difficulties for us in our daily lives, perhaps one surprisingly welcome outcome from the outbreak is the attention it has brought to another significant challenge for our region – dealing with waste.
FoE (HK) welcomes people from all walks of life to join us as volunteers.
We are now recruiting office volunteers to assist our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement.
Interested parties, please visit our website.
Friends of the Earth (HK) |
(852) 2528-5588 |
(852) 2529-2777 |
Rm 1301-02, 13/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 2 Watson Road, Hong Kong |
Copyright Friends of the Earth (HK). All rights reserved. |