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June e-Newsletter: More or Less, Less or More; Champions of "My Favourite Tree" Drawing Competition; Used Clothes Recycling Q&A |
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Hello Sir, |
More or Less, Less or More |
More is Less, Less is More
More buy, less wear, wasting more?
Less buy, more wear, saving more?
Goodbuy is more.
Mix-and-match is more plus more.
Cut waste, recycle more.
Friends of the Earth (HK) Used Clothes Recycling will thank you all!
More trees, more birds, more Nature,
More trees, more animals, more biodiversity,
More trees, less carbon,
More trees, less heat,
We need to cool Hong Kong more
Little artists’ green drawings have clear message
for us all!
Friends of the Earth(HK) organised a drawing competition on the "Tree and Biodiversity" theme, we like to present the winning entries. (below)
一九九七年是厄爾尼諾現象有記錄以來最嚴重的年份,海水溫度升高,地面非常乾涸,然而人們依舊放火焚林以騰出更多農地畜牧,燒毀面積相當於一個美國賓夕凡尼亞州(大概一百個香港)的土地,導致煙霧籠罩在印尼雨林上方,超過二百四十人死亡,樹木也因濃厚的霧霾而窒息,結不出果實,森林中的狐蝠被逼飛往別處覓食... |
Why a cooler, greener Hong Kong has a better chance of keeping a future pandemic at bay
Wearing a face mask outdoors is becoming unbearable for many in Hong Kong, as urban temperatures have soared to over 30 degrees Celsius in recent days. Trying to seek refuge in the shade of a mature tree in the busy streets of a city of 7 million people can be a challenge... |
Ozone, Climate and Coronavirus: Wake up calls of the Earth
In early May this year, scientists who have monitored the level of ozone depletion in the southern hemisphere announced a good news: the 'ozone hole' over the South Pole shrank to the smallest it’s been in 30 years! Just two weeks before, researchers also reported that the largest hole ever observed in the ozone layer over the Arctic has closed... |
Biodiversity – The Foundation of Life
Biodiversity is the variety of life on Earth, which includes genetic, species and ecosystem diversities. It is fundamental to the existence of the entire ecosystem, yet many people are unfamiliar with the word "biodiversity”. Biodiversity underpins ecosystem functioning and provide a variety of ecosystem services...
Green bonds after the virus – Hong Kong can lead the way
In the midst of the enormous credit boom around the world, fuelled by the coronavirus panic, green bond markets have been largely closed for business from new issuers. As a response to the virus, several governments and multilaterals have issued social bonds, but choice for investors has been limited... |
The 33rd Annual General Meeting |
The 33rd Annual General Meeting of FoE (HK) will be held on 9 July, 2020. All members are welcome to attend. Only Life Members have the right to nominate a new board member and vote in the AGM. If you are a Life Member and unable to attend the AGM, you are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote on your behalf.
The 33rd Annual General Meeting
Date: 9 July, 2020 (Thursday)
Time: 5:00-6:00 pm
Venue: Unit 1301-1302, 13/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 2 Watson Road, North Point.
Jockey Club Smart City Tree Management Project
To raise public interests and knowledge over trees conservation and to promote Earth Day, we have launched a Drawing Competition on "My Favourite Tree" in early April for all ages. We have received over 70 beautiful drawings from kids and adults. The results had been released on 5 June, World Environment Day. Please share the happiness with our winners and enjoy their drawings on trees. Whilst the coronavirus pandemic is still in place, we have also launched a PhotoBlog Contest focusing on "local trees and biodiversity" for the Community and the deadline would be 30 June. Details of which has been stipulated on the Poster. Under the prohibition on group gathering, we are sorry that we cannot conduct our most popular tree talks and tours. Webinar would be prepared in the coming months. Further announcement would be made via our Project Facebook.
🔽Check below for the Champions of Jockey Club Smart City Tree Management Project’s Drawing Competition on "My Favourite Tree"! |
Used Clothes Recycling Q&A
1.How much textile waste is produced by Hong Kong people daily?
Answer: According to the "Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department Report Monitoring of Solid Waste in Hong Kong 2018", the amount of textiles discarded by Hong Kong people is 392 tonnes per day, which is equivalent in weight to 2.2 million T-shirts. The recycling rate is less than 4.5%. Not only is it a waste of resources, it also increases the load on landfills.
2.How many litres of water is needed to make a pair of jeans?
Answer: According to a study, it takes one kilogram of cotton to make a pair of jeans. The average amount of water needed to grow one kilogram of cotton is around 8,500 litres. Assuming that each person drinks 2.5 litres of water a day, it would provide the entire world enough drinking water for 9 years.
FoE (HK) welcomes people from all walks of life to join us as volunteers.
We are now recruiting office volunteers to assist our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement.
Interested parties, please visit our website.
Friends of the Earth (HK) |
(852) 2528-5588 |
(852) 2529-2777 |
Rm 1301-02, 13/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 2 Watson Road, Hong Kong |
Copyright Friends of the Earth (HK). All rights reserved. |