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April e-Newsletter : 4.28 Tree Planting Challenge 2019 volunteer recruitment, United to Save the Climate and our Children’s Future |
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4.28 Tree Planting Challenge 2019 |
Our annual flagship programme Tree Planting Challenge is coming! It will be organised at Tai Lam Country Park on April. Since 2005, 83,000 saplings were planted on the slopes in various country parks, by more than 9,000 participants in the past 10 years. We now invite you to become our volunteers of Tree Planting Challenge 2019! For registration, please visit our website or email to tpc@foe.org.hk .
Please watch our newly released volunteer recruitment video to learn more. |
United to Save the Climate and our Children’s Future
The Future Generation has spoken. Ten of thousands of students in about 1,700 cities around the world have expressed grave concern about climate threats and ecological disasters, which are threatening people and planet.
Today, the students who joined the Global Strike delivered a wake-up call and an ultimatum to all Governments, Businesses, Institutions and Adults. They refused to be the victim of climate change. They are entitled to a cleaner environment, a safer climate and a greener future...
Air Quality Objectives Review Coalition opposing EPD’s recommendation to Greatly Increase the Allowable Exceedances for PM2.5 to 35 Times
The Air Quality Objectives Review Coalition, formed by a collection of 19 cross-disciplinary organizations and units, held a joint press conference at the Legislative Council Complex today. The Air Quality Objectives Review Coalition (the Coalition) condemned the Environmental Protection Department’s suggestion to greatly increase the number of allowable exceedances for air pollutant, PM2.5 (fine suspended particulates), from 9 times to 35 times a year...
潔淨的空氣與水源缺一不可,然而清新空氣對於我們卻是非常奢侈,究其原因不外乎環境局對空氣污染管制力度不足,以及政府各部門並沒有充分合作維護及保障公眾健康。立法會將於下周一討論「空氣質素指標檢討」,香港地球之友希望藉著這個關鍵時刻喚起市民及相關持份者對空氣污染的關注... |
近日麻疹肆虐,食衞局局長及衞生防護中心總監亦表示情況不尋常,確診病例不斷增加,今年已經超過20宗,以介乎34-52歲人士為高危人士,初期症狀與流感類似,包括發燒、咳嗽及流鼻水等,所以市民會不自覺「中招」而延誤治療時機... |
Water Forum 2019
To celebrate World Water Day, Friends of the Earth (HK) organised the 6th annual Water Forum on March 22, sponsored by Dunwell Group. This year’s forum went beyond the technological climate solutions needed in face of more frequent and severe extreme weather events. With the theme of "Climate Risk, Coastal Preparedness, Financial Implications for Hong Kong and Greater Bay Area”, over 100 participants attended to learn from experts and discuss on how climate solutions can be funded through green finance and how to transform Hong Kong into a resilient city.
Municipal Solid Waste Audit and Waste Reduction at School
The ECF-sponsored ‘Municipal Solid Waste Audit and Waste Reduction at School’ is moving on to the final stage, but there are still many ongoing fantastic activities. We organised the third student ambassador workshop on upclycing to make reusable bags from old clothes. Moreover, the students showed positive responses to the exhibition panels at schools which offered Q&A games on waste reduction.
Please stay tuned for the latest information on our website.
FoE (HK) welcomes people from all walks of life to join us as volunteers.
We are now recruiting office volunteers to assist our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement.
Interested parties, please visits our website.
Friends of the Earth (HK) |
(852) 2528-5588 |
(852) 2529-2777 |
Rm 1301-02, 13/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 2 Watson Road, Hong Kong |
Copyright Friends of the Earth (HK). All rights reserved. |