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May e-Newsletter : Tree Planting Challenge 2019, Launch of Green Finance Blog, Plan for Future Storms and Coastal Floods in Hong Kong |
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Hello Sir, |
Plan for Future Storms and Coastal Floods in Hong Kong and the Greater PRD Bay Area |
Hong Kong has spent hugely expensively (over 200 million HKD) on inland and coastal flood engineering measures and effectively reducing the floods. However, recent coastal floods implied something we must do more other than investing in engineering and technological infrastructures to improve climate resilience.
Why Hong Kong needs to take the lead on green finance and powering a green economy
In the last policy address, the government promised to take the lead on green bonds issuance through a green bond scheme, with a borrowing ceiling of HK$100 billion. The proposal was finally passed by the Legislative Council at the end of last year – good news for the fight against climate change... |
早前環保處發表的香港固體廢物監察報告,指出一七年都市固體廢物的棄置量為平均每日一萬零七百三十三公噸,較一六年增加了百分之三點七。根據報告,港人平均每日棄置一點四五公斤垃圾,對於環境局局長黃錦星曾於一三年誓言要將香港每日人均垃圾棄置量,於一七年減至一公斤或以下,顯然無法實現... |
阿里山擁有大量檜木,檜木的寶貴之處,在於會釋放特別豐富的芬多精。芬多精可以提高人體免疫力,有對抗病菌的功效,身處檜木森林間深呼吸,整個人頓時覺得身心舒暢... |
Tree Planting Challenge 2019
Last September, Super Typhoon Mangkhut destructed a great amount of trees. The plantation site of FoE suffered huge damage as well. To raise public’s awareness on the damage of our nature caused by extreme weather and to mitigate global warming, we held our annual flagship programme, "Tree Planting Challenge 2019” in Tai Lam Country Park, on 28 April. The unique event combines tree-planting, hiking and a test of endurance. Thanks to the fine weather, 300 participants joined the event on that day, and re-planted over 1,500 local seedlings. We sincerely appreciate the effort and support from participants and volunteers.
Launch of Green Finance Blog
FoE (HK) has officially launched Green Finance Blog on the Earth Day, 22 April. We hope to spread out information and knowledge about green finance through this platform. In Hong Kong, there is little information and research about green finance yet green investment and economy has in fact become a global trend. By investing green, we are taking solid action on protecting our environment and we can also be benefitted in a financial perspective.
Please stay tuned for the updates on our Green Finance Blog.
Participated Schools Reach the Waste Reduction Target (22% Waste Reduction at Most)
FoE (HK) conducted waste audit in eight primary schools. According to the waste audit result from December 2018 to March 2019, eight schools reduced their waste by 7% to 22% and the average waste reduction is 13% which is higher than the target of a 5% waste reduction. We wish the eight participated schools can keep it up and prepare well for the municipal solid waste charging scheme. |
FoE (HK) collaborated with Melissa to organise a 3 weeks shoes collection activity in April.The activity is actively supported by the public. All the collected shoes will be sent to the needy. Through this shoes recycling event, we hope to convey the message of environmental awareness and waste reduction! Think before you buy, find the balance between what we want and what we need, be a smart and responsible consumer! |
FoE (HK) welcomes people from all walks of life to join us as volunteers.
We are now recruiting office volunteers to assist our clerical work including data entry, letter mailing and information arrangement.
Interested parties, please visits our website.
Friends of the Earth (HK) |
(852) 2528-5588 |
(852) 2529-2777 |
Rm 1301-02, 13/F, Block A, Sea View Estate, 2 Watson Road, Hong Kong |
Copyright Friends of the Earth (HK). All rights reserved. |