香港地球之友綠色金融顧問Michele Leung / Michele Leung, Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

ESG or green investing has undeniably become mainstream in recent years. Despite the continuous debates in the market, it is getting clear that ESG or green investing does no harm.
If you think investing in ESG or green considerations will sacrifice your investment returns, it is the time to think twice.
More academic studies and industry research papers have been addressing to this related topic. According to Stanford University, investors increasingly prioritize climate finance and look for investment opportunities that offer “high returns with high environmental impact.” “After analyzing 74,486 observations of U.S. firms from January 2005 to December 2015, we find that such investment opportunities do exist”. Meta-study by Oxford University also found that in 90% of cases they analyzed environmentally efficient companies have lower costs of capital (both equity and debt) and that eco-efficient and environmentally responsible companies show superior stock market performance. Another industry report also concluded that “increasing exposure to ESG rarely underperforms the market, and often outperforms the market”
It is important to note ESG or green investing would be decomposed into different elements, from underlying data points, ESG rating to investment construction methodology. It would be overly simplistic for one to conclude ESG or green does or does not provide alpha (outperformance) without carefully study each fundamental element.
I guess the baseline here is, ESG doesn’t mean sacrificing returns while it does help you to manage risk as they tend to translate into lower volatility. As global investors are now getting at the forefront of climate change, perhaps it is also the time for you to embrace ESG or green investing.
Very interesting details you have observed, appreciate it for
posting.Raise range