Is your iPhone leaving any carbon footprint on the Earth?

Idea Exchange – Karen Ho

Apple Inc. unveiled its plan to become carbon neutral across its entire business, manufacturing supply chain, and product life cycle by 2030. The company is already carbon neutral today for its global corporate operations, and this new commitment means that by 2030, every Apple device sold will have net zero climate impact.

This would have caused a ripple impact along Apple’s supply chain.

According to the company’s Environmental Progress Report published in July, more than three-quarters of the emissions from making Apple’s products come from their suppliers. In order to achieve this goal, Apple would have to get help from their major suppliers. That includes Taiwanese electronics giants like TSMC and Foxconn, which still get about 90% of their power from non-renewable sources.71 of Apple’s hundreds manufacturing partners in 17 different countries have committed to 100% renewable energy for Apple production. Their Supplier Clean Energy Program now has 7.8 gigawatts of clean energy commitments. Once completed, these commitments will avoid over 14.3 million metric tons of Carbon Emissions annually—the equivalent of taking more than 3 million cars off the road each year.

Taiwanese companies make up a significant proportion of Apple’s suppliers worldwide because of their dominance of sectors such as contract manufacturing and made-to-order semiconductors.

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (TSMC)., which exclusively makes cutting-edge chips for Apple’s iPhones and iPads, and used renewable energy and credits for 6.7% of its power in 2019, has committed to producing renewable energy for its entire operations by 2050, according to their press releases to join RE100 also from July. RE100 is the global corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together hundreds of large and ambitious businesses committed to 100% renewable electricity.

Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., also known as Foxconn, which assembles more than 100 million iPhones annually, will be installing solar panels on the roofs and in places like Henan province in China, where coal is still the dominant source for power. The company had installed 224 megawatts of clean energy by the end of 2019, up from 33 in 2017, the company said in its sustainability report.

The morale of this story is that customers can make a positive impact to change how their suppliers run the business, and in this case, leaving no carbon footprint to protect our Mother Earth.

Note: This is not an advertisement for Apple Inc.


FoE (HK) welcomes Hong Kong Exchange & Clearing Limited’s (“HKEX’) initiatives to publish a consultation paper seeking public feedback on proposals to introduce a paperless listing and subscription regime, suggesting all listing documents in a new listing to be published solely in an electronic format, as we aim to help mitigate climate change by saving papers and reducing carbon emission.

Learn more about us supporting eIPO appeal in HERE.

Green and Sustainable Banking – A breathing point without mask in COVID-19

Mostafa Monira Firdouse, Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has recently published its White Paper on Green and Sustainable Banking, as well as a circular to share a range of practices adopted by major authorized institutions (AIs) for managing climate risks (7 July Circular). These form part of a series of initiatives by the HKMA that are intended to help shape a greener and more climate-resilient banking system.

At the same time, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (HKEX) announced plans to launch the HKEX Sustainable and Green Exchange (STAGE) on June 18th. This platform intended to act as a central hub for data and information on sustainable and green finance in Asia.

In my view, these remarkable initiatives are timely and hope it will be implemented successfully.  

‘The white paper’ – how much it can generate greener and sustainable financing:

At the beginning, HKMA conducted a survey in April 2019 to understand AIs’ (Authorized Institution’s) awareness of and progress in developing green and sustainable banking (please refer to Part III of this paper for more details of the survey). On a question about the potential benefit of developing green and sustainable banking business, “corporate image and reputation benefits” was considered by the most AIs (Authorized Institution’s) as significant (68%), followed by “more business opportunities and new income sources” (66%), “meeting customers’ demand” (62%) and “portfolio diversification” (52%).

Honestly, I am impressed to see the level of awareness, I believe Mangkhut taught us a lot.

In the white paper, the HKMA also provides a summary of its observations; including a range of practices adopted by financial institutions, set out under each of the relevant guiding principles. AIs are recommended to consider these practices when developing their climate risk management framework. They should take into account the nature, scale and complexity of their businesses, and ensure that their risk management framework is proportionate and fit for purpose.

AIs are also reminded to note the importance of being agile when managing climate risks, which are products of multiple interacting forces (for example, natural, technological and societal) and are therefore inherently uncertain and prone to changes. They should keep abreast of the latest standards on climate risk management and make adjustments to their approach based on actual developments.

Specially, I am looking for implementation of nine guiding principles on governance, strategy, risk management and disclosure.

What I am missing;

Divestment: Climate change needs immediate action on divestment in certain sector, however, the divestment plan is not in white paper.

Sector Selection: No indication on sector categorization for climate focus investment.

Collaboration: As we know ESG investment is already pretty established in Hong Kong. HKEX listed companies are mandatory ESG scrutiny. Besides. HKEX’s STAGE, aiming to act as a central hub for data and information on sustainable and green finance in Asia. So, are the AI’s collaborating with HKEX for data and information?

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香港地球之友董事 麥礎允







香港地球之友綠色金融顧問 黃思靈






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內地綠債改革 香港綠債何去何從?

【意見交流園地】團結香港基金副總幹事 黃元山、研究員 江俊燊


中國綠債標準修訂 三大要義





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