
實踐可持續商業營運模式 助中小企贏取顧客與口碑

大新銀行有限公司(「大新銀行」)與香港地球之友(「地球之友」)聯合舉辦的「中小企 ESG最佳實踐表現嘉許計劃」(「計劃」)今日舉行第二場專題論壇(「論壇」),匯聚商界及行業領袖,探討本港中小型零售及電子商貿企業如何在滿足市場需求、拓展業務的同時,實踐可持續發展理念,推動多元共融、改善企業營運,合力提高商界的環境、社會和管治(「ESG」)水平,共同締造更美好的生活。

近年,零售行業面臨不少環境及社會挑戰與衝擊。環境風險方面,受到氣候變化的影響,季節性的購物模式將會長期轉變,零售商需要更靈活的部署,以適應多變的銷售季節。同時,塑膠廢物問題、物流複雜性增加等,亦是零售業正面對的挑戰之一。社會風險方面,隨著消費者購買模式的改變、社會對健康產品的重視、食品安全的要求增加,零售商需要更了解客戶對品牌的認知及偏好,才能持續吸引顧客。加上,科技的應用和技術正在影響改變零售業的格局,實體商店的人力需求減少,員工需更具備面向客戶、組織執行變革等能力。面對種種潛在風險,實踐ESG 正正有助中小企加強抵禦風險的能力。

香港地球之友主席葉廣濤先生在發表歡迎辭時表示:「近年,疫情加速商業數碼化轉型的步伐,網上購物成為港人消費新常態。零售商要於競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,不但要適應時代的發展,更要與消費者加強互動,建立更緊密的聯繫。業界能否準確定位,掌握最新形勢,並且為未來挑戰作好準備,不但關乎企業本身,對香港整體零售業也非常關鍵。中小企想加快轉型及早突圍,實踐 ESG 正正是幫助企業節省成本、赢口碑,在逆市中提升競爭力的最有效方法之一。」

大新銀行副行政總裁、高級執行董事兼集團個人銀行主管王美珍小姐表示:「大新銀行與地球之友合作推出『中小企 ESG 最佳實踐表現嘉許計劃』,針對性提升不同行業中小企對 ESG 的認知和實踐,協助他們在競爭中節省成本、贏取顧客與口碑。今日的論壇聚焦為零售及電子商貿業。零售業為本港帶來了巨大的經濟效益,電子商貿亦於近年急速發展。然而,消費者對環保生活及負責任消費的關注度日益提升,對傳統零售以至電商的營運都帶來挑戰及機遇。我們期望今日論壇能為中小企帶來啟發和鼓勵,踏出可持續商業實踐的第一步。」

本次論壇中,前半部份由 ESG 分析師及媒體顧問馮健鏗先生及新媒體經濟一週內容主管區嘉儀女士主持,透過大型零售商及網購平台企業高管的分享,展示商界如何從設備及貨源採購、到供應商選擇以及人才吸納等環節優化資源管理,改善企業管治,帶動員工、合作夥伴及顧客一起推動可持續發展,促進社會福祉。

論壇的後半部分由香港地球之友副主席兼綠色金融事務召集人張振宇先生主持,由一眾中小企代表嘉賓剖析中小型零售及電商企業於落實 ESG 理念時遇上的問題,並就企業履行可持續發展承諾,突出產品、服務及品牌形象、提升競爭優勢、維持業務增長等方面提供建議。是次論壇吸引了近 100 位商界領袖、行政人員、和媒體代表參與。

由大新銀行和地球之友攜手呈獻的「中小企 ESG 最佳實踐表現嘉許計劃」(「計劃」)為首個針對特定行業中小企的 ESG嘉許計劃,目的鼓勵中小企業採用 ESG 最佳實踐,促進業内的可持續發展。計劃以聯合國可持續發展目標為框架,評估中小企的可持續發展策略、政策及其管理和推動可持續發展績效的能力,若中小企在指定期限內達到一定改善水平將獲得嘉許。是次計劃由大新銀行贊助費用全免,大新銀行更會向所有參與計劃及 / 或獲嘉許的中小企提供以收費折扣及現金回贈方式的獎勵,並向獲嘉許中小企獨家送出1,000港元的現金獎賞。計劃已開放予零售及電子商務中小企報名,截止日期為2022年11月18日。有關報名資格及計劃詳細内容可參閱附件單張。

本次計劃的專業團隊可以形容為企業發展的「ESG 醫生」,而在市場上的顧問公司亦非常流行,一般有關顧問服務的收費高達10萬港元以上。通過參加是次計劃,中小企可免費獲得類似性質的支援,有助他們盡早認清業務上有待改善的範疇,未雨綢繆。

大新銀行今年慶祝成立75周年,由六月開始已陸續推出覆蓋社區、中小企、客戶與環保生活等領域的活動,向市民及客戶表達謝意和分享喜悅,倡導可持續生活主張,為香港社區和經濟增添活力。有關詳情可瀏覽官方網頁 www.dahsing.com/75Anniv



大新銀行有限公司(「大新銀行」)為香港上市公司大新銀行集團有限公司(HKG:2356)旗下全資附屬銀行。大新銀行植根香港75 年,一直憑著「以人為本」的精神為客戶提供優質銀行產品及服務,並不斷推動「同步 更進步」的企業理念,與香港、大灣區至更廣泛地區的客戶共同成長。憑藉多年的銀行業務經驗及穩固基礎,大新銀行業務範疇覆蓋零售銀行、私人銀行以至商業及企業銀行等專業服務。近年大新銀行更積極投資於銀行產品及服務數碼化,與香港智慧銀行發展和推動金融普及的趨勢同步前進。

除上述香港銀行業務外,大新銀行亦全資擁有大新銀行(中國)有限公司、澳門商業銀行股份有限公司和安基財務有限公司(OK Finance),並為重慶銀行策略性股東,持股量約 13%。大新銀行及其附屬公司於香港、澳門及中國內地共有約 70個業務網點。




Dah Sing Bank and Friends of the Earth (HK) Jointly Present: Retail and E-Commerce ESG Forum for SMEs

Advocates Sustainable Business Model for SMEs As Means to Gain Customers and Word-of-Mouth

The second industry forum (the “Forum”) under the SME ESG Best Practices Recognition Programme (“the Programme”) took place today under the joint auspices of Dah Sing Bank, Limited (“Dah Sing Bank”) and Friends of the Earth (HK) (“FoE HK”). It gathered business and industry leaders to discuss how SMEs in retail and e-commerce sector can meet market needs and expand their businesses while practising sustainable development concepts, promoting diversification and inclusiveness, improving business operations, and working together to enhance environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) standards for a better life together.

In recent years, the retail industry has to face various environmental and social challenges. The gradual change in seasonal shopping patterns as a result of environmental risks such as climate change command retailers to be more agile in operation to adapt to the changing sales seasons. Issues such as plastic wastes and more complex logistics are also among the challenges the industry is facing. As for social risks, with consumers’ spending patterns changing, and the emphasis on healthy products and food safety growing, retailers need better understanding of customers’ brand perception and preferences in order to retain and attract customers. In addition, technologies and their applications are changing the retail industry landscape. With fewer manpower needed at physical stores, employees need to be more capable of dealing with customers and managing changes. Practising ESG will help SMEs strengthen their ability to mitigate these potential risks.

In the opening speech, Mr Plato Yip, Chairperson of FoE HK, said, “In recent years, the epidemic has accelerated the pace of digital transformation of businesses, with online shopping becoming the new norm for Hong Kong consumers. To stand out in this highly competitive market, retailers must not only adapt to the new norm, but also interact more closely with consumers and build closer ties with them. The ability of the industry to position itself accurately, keep abreast of the latest trends, and prepare for the challenges ahead is crucial not only for the businesses themselves but also for the Hong Kong retail industry as a whole. As SMEs seek to accelerate their transformation and breakthrough, ESG is one of the most effective ways to help them save costs, win reputation, and improve their competitiveness in an adverse market.”

Ms Phoebe Wong, Deputy Chief Executive, Senior Executive Director and Group Head of Personal Banking of Dah Sing Bank, said, “The ‘SME ESG Best Practices Recognition Programme’ is a partnership between Dah Sing Bank and FoE HK to raise ESG awareness among SMEs in different industries, and our aim is to encourage them to implement ESG practices to save costs and gain customers and word-of-mouth in a competitive market. The retail industry contributes enormously to Hong Kong’s economy, and e-commerce has also been growing rapidly in recent years. However, increasing consumer attention on eco-lifestyles and responsible consumption is presenting challenges and opportunities for both traditional retail and e-commerce operators. We hope that today’s Forum will inspire and encourage SMEs to take their first step towards sustainable business practices.”

The first half of the Forum was moderated by Mr Ryan Fung, ESG Analyst and Media Advisor, and Ms Freda Au, Head of Content at EDigest, NMG. Executives from large retailers and online shopping platforms shared how businesses can optimise resource management, promote social wellbeing, improve corporate governance, and encourage different stakeholders to promote sustainable development through various means like procurement, supplier selection and talent acquisition. Chaired by Mr Anthony Cheung, Vice-chairperson & Green Finance Convenor of FoE HK, the second panel of SME business representatives discussed the problems faced by SMEs in the retail and e-commerce sector when implementing ESG concepts, and provided advice on how to fulfil sustainability commitments while showcasing their products, services and brand image as well as enhancing their competitive advantages and maintaining business growth. The Forumattracted the participation of close to 100 business leaders, executives, and media representatives.

The Programme is the first sector-specific ESG recognition scheme for SMEs to encourage them to adopt ESG best practices to promote sustainable development in their industries. Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a framework, it evaluates the sustainable development strategies and policies of SMEs and their ability to manage and drive sustainable development. SMEs are recognised for achieving a certain level of improvement within a specific period of time. The Programme is sponsored by Dah Sing Bank and participation is complimentary for SMEs. Additionally, Dah Sing Bank is offering further incentives in the form of fee discounts and cash rebates to all participating and/or recognised SMEs, and an exclusive cash award of HKD1,000 will be given to the recognised participants. SMEs in the retail and e-commerce industries can enrol in the Programme from now until 18 November 2022. Please refer to the attached fact sheet for details.

The team of professionals behind the Programme can be described as “ESG doctors” for enterprise development. Consultancy firms offering such services are plentiful and typically command fees of more than HKD100,000. SMEs taking part in the Programme will have access to similar support free of charge, helping them to identify areas for improvement in their business as early as possible and to plan ahead.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of Dah Sing Bank. A series of celebratory activities has been launched since June to engage local communities, SMEs and customers as well as to promote green lifestyles. Through these activities, the Bank hopes to thank and share its joy with the public and its customers, express its advocacy for sustainable lifestyles, and bring vitality to Hong Kong’s communities and economy. For details, please visit the Bank’s 75th anniversary webpage on http://www.dahsing.com/75Anniv/en.


About Dah Sing Bank

Dah Sing Bank, Limited (“Dah Sing Bank”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dah Sing Banking Group Limited (HKG:2356) which is listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Founded in Hong Kong 75 years ago, Dah Sing Bank has been providing quality banking products and services to our customers with a vision to be “The Local Bank with a Personal Touch”. Over the years, Dah Sing Bank has been rigorous in delivering on our brand promise to grow with our customers in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and beyond – “Together We Progress and Prosper”. Building on our experience and solid foundation in the industry, Dah Sing Bank’s scope of professional services now spans retail banking, private banking, business and commercial banking. Meanwhile, Dah Sing Bank is also making significant investments in our digital banking capabilities to stay abreast with smart banking developments in Hong Kong and to support financial inclusion at large.

In addition to its Hong Kong banking operations, Dah Sing Bank also has wholly-owned subsidiaries including Dah Sing Bank (China) Limited, Banco Comercial de Macau, S.A., and OK Finance Limited. It is also a strategic shareholder of Bank of Chongqing with a shareholding of about 13%. Dah Sing Bank and its subsidiaries now have around 70 operating locations in Hong Kong, Macau and Mainland China.

About Friends of the Earth (HK)

Friends of the Earth (HK), as a leading environmental advocate, focuses on protecting our local and regional environment, offers equitable solutions to help create environmentally sustainable

public policies, business practices and community lifestyles and engages government, business and community to act responsibly. Friends of the Earth (HK) is dedicated to promote green finance and cultivate ESG talents to transition HK and Asia Pacific region into a carbon neutral economy. Friends of the Earth (HK) closely partners with SME associations in Hong Kong (with coverage >3,000 companies), as well as international associations (e.g., World Benchmarking Alliance), with strong access to ESG & green finance talents professionals in Hong Kong, through our CESGA alumni network.

Friends of the Earth (HK) launched the first Green Finance Roadmap of its kind in the APAC region in 2019. One of our key focus would be on building capacity for industry practitioners and general public towards green finance, and hence our events are centered around “Green Finance Connect Education Series”. Examples include Sustainability Leadership Seminars, our Green Finance Symposium on ESG integration. We aim to work with all sectors of the community to build a sustainable society and environment.

ESG Ratings – Trust or not Trust?

Karen Ho, Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

Accessing ESG information can be overwhelming, there are thousands of datapoints and qualitative discussion in a ESG or sustainability report, which usually be over 100 pages, with many fancy editing effects and pictures, and a strong glorifying narrative of a corporate strategy and performance. There is lack of standards and inconsistency of data disclosure, investors need to find way to make sense of it and hence relies on ESG Ratings provider to give them some guidance. ESG ratings are always used by investors as an indicator to access a company’s ESG performance.

While the ESG Ratings existed for decades, with the increasing interests on ESG in the financial market, there is now more and more studies to show the divergence of ESG ratings as different ESG Raters have different views on materiality (Note 1). On the other hand, there is an increasing scrutiny on ESG raters, and regulators are getting worried about potential greenwashing by ESG rating agencies. The Board of International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) called for oversights of ESG Rating and Data Product Providers last year and suggested that regulators could consider focusing greater attention on the use of ESG ratings and data products and the activities of ESG rating and data products providers in their jurisdictions (Note 2). This could help to increase trust in ESG ratings and data going forward.

On the academic side, there is a recently published study “The Economic Impact of ESG Ratings” which examines the impact of ESG ratings on mutual fund holdings, stock returns, corporate investment, and corporate ESG practices, using panel event studies (Note 3). The results are very interesting:

  1. Looking specifically at changes in the MSCI ESG rating, the research documents that rating downgrades reduce ownership by mutual funds with a dedicated ESG strategy, while upgrades increase it.
  2. A negative long-term response of stock returns is found to downgrades and a slower and weaker positive response to upgrades.
  3. Regarding firm responses, there is no significant effect of up- or downgrades on capital expenditure.
  4. Firms adjust their ESG practices following rating changes, but only in the governance dimension.
  5. These results suggest that ESG rating changes matter in financial markets, but so far have only a limited impact on the real economy.

We should welcome all those researches, as it helps us to understand how to understand and use ESG ratings, unfortunately ESG rating upgrade/downgrade still a limited impact on the real economy.


– Note 1: Research Paper “Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG ratings”: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3438533

– Note 2: IOSCO calls for action: https://www.iosco.org/news/pdf/IOSCONEWS627.pdf

– Note 3: Researh Paper “The Economic Impact of ESG Ratings” https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4088545

Taking Stock of Hong Kong’s Sustainable Achievements

Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

With all the talk of promoting and developing the green finance industry, I think it is important for us to take a pause and take stock of the results thus far Hong Kong has achieved in its pursuit of being one of the premier hubs for sustainable finance. As we take note of what has been achieved, I hope this gives us further momentum in our advocacy efforts to continue to develop and strengthen the green finance ecosystem.

Firstly, Hong Kong is actually not doing too badly in terms of its de-carbonization efforts, with 2020 carbon emission levels 20% below 2005 levels. The per capita emissions of 4.5 tons per year is also 30% below peak levels of 6.2 tons per capita in 2014.

Secondly, Hong Kong has allocated HK$47 billion over the last decade to implement energy saving and renewable energy measures, with a further HK$10 billion to be allocated going forward to a Green Tech Fund, Subsidy Scheme for EV-charging, and drainage improvement works to shore up defenses against flooding.

Last but not least, Hong Kong has some remarkable achievements in Green Finance: (i) The volume of green and sustainable debt issued in Hong Kong in 2021 reached a record high of US$57 billion, which is four times the volume from a year ago. This amounts to one-third of those issued in Asia and makes Hong Kong number one in the region; (ii) A US$2.5 billion government bond issued in February 2021 was the largest US dollar government green bond deal in the world at the time as well as having the longest tenor for a government US dollar green bond issued by an Asian country; (iii) The Hong Kong government issued Euro and Renminbi green bond tranches in November 2021, which was the longest tenor Euro government green bond in Asia at the time; (iv) Hong Kong issued its first retail green bond of HK$20 billion, which is the largest retail green bond issuance globally, and allows Hong Kong’s residents to participate in the greening of Hong Kong.

These are just some of the highlights of the Hong Kong Government’s sustainability achievements thus far, and I hope this will help galvanize your efforts in the continued promotion of green finance and sustainable development for our city and the global community.




在疫情之下,在下被邀到馬來西亞參加了一個商務會議,演說有關ESG 議題。主辦單位力邀在下前往,原因是ESG 這議題實在太火,很多商界人物都很想和在下親身交談,可見ESG 已成為金融界最熱門話題。

百多人三天的會議,有很多機會與來自世界各地的人交談。不少朋友很興奮地跟在下談論ESG 發展,有很多投資銀行,就跟在下談論ESG 的衍生工具趨勢;也有很多人跟在下說,想不到Cryto後有  NFT,再有 Metaverse,那麼快主角就再變成 ESG,大家一定要掌握新機會;也有與會者跟在下說,在他眼中,ESG 只是新一輪的金融炒作工具,毫無實質作用,當中監管機構要求披露的東西愈來愈離地,愈來愈沒有實質意義。可惜三天會議,從頭到尾沒有人跟在下討論過實質的ESG 內容需求及意義。

首先在下要說明,在下從事環保工作多年,由非政府組織做起;到偏遠地方進行生態復修;到二十年前開始為香港的一所家族基金在國內成立中國第一個環保基金,為基金定下所有環境及社會規範。雖然早年工作並未出現ESG 這個花巧名詞,但多年工作都離不開ESG 的實質內容發展。在在下的腦海中,從來沒有將這部分工作與「炒」字掛上勾。

在下在中環金融圈打滾,當然了解中環價值。不少工作或商業伙伴,價值觀其實很接近:這世界上只要百分百合規,做得乾淨利落,任何不擇手段的公開行騙都沒有問題。所以中環有出名的殼王;有近乎合法搶劫的大比例供股向下炒…… 因為全部合規,所以公開談論並實行這類計劃是符合中環價值,不會有任何道德包袱及羞恥感。ESG 在金融圈內,被視為下一輪炒作的明日之星,就變得順理成章了。

觀乎ESG的出現,理由其實很簡單:公司需要良好管治,而良好管治不單需要照顧股東利益,也需要照顧持份者利益。氣候變化也是ESG 出現的原動力,我們面對人類歷史上最大的滅絕危機,關注氣候變化並承擔責任是每家公司的道德義務。其實說來說去,ESG 的初心就是向下一代負責,不能毁掉他們的生存空間,以及對身邊的人有同理心和關懷心,僅此而已,內容並不複雜。可惜,我們的初心,已愈來愈被扭曲了。

政府部門為了交數,向外宣稱綠色金融發展良好,綠債就變成了說故事和自圓其說的架構;投資銀行在虛幣及元宇宙炒不起的情況下,就抓緊ESG 作為下一個明日之星,大量發展ESG 的評分與指數,來創製新的投資產品,卻從來不會關心最基本的ESG 報告質量及當中數據真偽;監管機構只求有形,推出投資產品披露氣候變化的危機,而數據公司亦衍生大量這類產品出售,可惜這些數字對投資人毫無意義之餘,也沒有任何實質支援,為企業找出真正面對氣候變化的方案。

在下當年從事環保工作開始,就被視為異類中的異類。經過多年社會變遷,異類工作入了主流,當中得到的人生經驗是:認為對的事,只需埋首苦幹,天道酬勤。數十年後南柯一夢醒來,原來世界是真的可以改變的。「不要失望」是人生最重要的座右銘,所以在下對新生代說,2016年港交所開始要求強制披露ESG,如果到2026年,我們手頭上的客戶有百分之十對ESG真的關心了,真的開始了解ESG 的初心,我們就算無憾了。