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如果您正想進入可持續發展行業,或者已經是該領域的從業人員,想提升技能但又不確定哪種 ESG 培訓課程適合您。參加這次分享會,從跨行業的資深和年輕專業人士身上,聽取他們的 ESG 學習經驗及各種不同的 ESG 專業培訓路線的區別,探索適合您的可持續發展資格或培訓。

報名: https://forms.gle/zhSuvHdSVE3hnzSC7

Sharing on 19 July: How to select the Right Qualification or training to pursue career in sustainability?

The field of sustainability has seen a tremendous surge in interest and attention in recent years, and as a result, numerous education programs and “ESG certifications” are available in the market.

So, what is the right qualification or training for you to pursue career in sustainability?

If you are considering to start your career in sustainability or if you are already a practitioner in the field and would like to upskill but unsure which ESG training programs might be suitable for you. Join us to learn from seasoned and young professionals across industries on their ESG study journeys and how various ESG training routes differ.

Registration: https://forms.gle/zhSuvHdSVE3hnzSC7