
【ESG分析師洞見分享】Kyle Chung, CESGA

早前Apple剛舉行的發布會,除了介紹新產品的功能,整個發布會比以住更強調「可持續元素」。此外,亦加插了一段「自然之母」(Mother Nature) 的環境問責廣告來宣傳Apple的可持續發展方面的措施和進度,及推出了其首款號稱碳中和的智能手錶產品。可持續性成為商業產品的焦點。


以Apple為例,製造供應鏈佔其總碳足跡 65%。製造過程的排放包括從材料提取到零件製造,再到最終產品組裝和運輸。由於與製造業相關的絕大多數排放來自發電,其一減碳的重要方向是在全球供應鏈中轉向 100% 再生電力。

在2022年,Apple曾致函主要生產合作夥伴的高層主管,表達他們對供應商在 2030 年需實現的減碳期望。而據Apple公布的《供應商行為準則》,其中在溫室氣體排放項目中,就要求廠商建立並維護年度溫室氣體排放清單,量化和監控溫室氣體排放。

截至 2023 年 9 月,Apple表示超過 300 間製造商已承諾在 Apple 生產中使用再生能源。此供應商潔淨能源計劃涵蓋含超過 90%  Apple 在全球產品的材料、製造和組裝方面的直接支出。 


Friends of the Earth (HK) celebrates Successful Participation at ReThink HK 2023

FoE(HK) successfully participated in ReThink HK 2023, leaving a lasting impact and inspiring positive change for a sustainable future. Our exhibition booth received significant attention, with visitors from diverse industries expressing interest in our initiatives such as our green finance courses like the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA) Programme, Tree Planting Challenge Programme, and used clothes recycling.

We also had the privilege to be one of the supporting organisations in the panel discussion “Financing Biodiversity: The Next Frontier for Private Sector Leadership”. “Overall, the conference provided invaluable insights and highlighted the collective efforts required to address biodiversity conservation.” said Bien Wong, CESGA our Board Governor and moderator of the session.

Once again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who visited our booth and attended the panel discussion.  A big thanks to our Vice-Chairperson, Anthony Cheung, CESGA and our Board Governors Serena Mak, CESGA, Ophelia Lin, Keith Ho, Caroline Law and Johnny Wei for visiting our booth to support. Your enthusiasm and support have been instrumental in making our participation at the ReThink HK 2023 a resounding success.

At Friends of the Earth (HK), we will remain committed to our mission of protecting the environment and promoting sustainable living in Hong Kong. We believe that through collective efforts and individual actions, we can create a better, greener future for generations to come!


【ESG分析師洞見分享】Ryan Fung, CESGA



對保險業來說,壞消息就是好消息。舉個例子,美國山火威脅愈來愈大,一些保險公司已減少承保美國加州和佛羅里達州的財險,當中包括 Farmers Insurance。在競爭減少之下,價錢就上升。根據保險信息研究所的數據,隨著美國汽車保險費用的飆升,佛羅里達州的保費按年增加 421 美元,比任何其他州都高,平均年保費為 3,121 美元,位居美國第二。


至於相關成本,最後也轉嫁至消費者身上。美國 2023 年的房屋保費平均為 1,700 美元,較 2022 年上升 10%,較 2018 年上升 36%。保險公司正在收緊保險條款,並對屋頂年限和居住房屋的保額上限進行限制。但換個角度思考,這也算是投資保險公司的一個機會。如果不懂得挑選公司,不妨試試先從 ETF 著手。

但事實上,除了美國的山火,這個世界要面對的問題還有很多,如中國的洪水、亞洲的颱風、歐洲的熱浪…… 到底是否所有問題,最終也能夠用錢解決?而出錢的又是否以消費者為主?


Friends of the Earth (HK) in ReThink HK 2023 – Day 2 Updates

FoE (HK) is excited to continue its participation in the ReThink Exhibition in Hong Kong. We are privileged to have the opportunity to meet different sustainability professionals and parties in one go.

Yesterday, we had incredible responses from visitors who were captivated by our strong commitment to sustainability. On the second day, we keep up the good work on engaging visitors through our comprehensive showcase of our ongoing efforts in promoting ESG and business sustainability. Specifically, we offered glimpses to our green finance courses and Tree Planting Challenge Programme, opening visitors’ eyes to various ways in which corporates can contribute to sustainability.

And finally, thank you very much to our Vice-Chairperson, Mr. Anthony Cheung, CESGA and our Board Governor Mr. Bien Wong, CESGA for visiting our booth to support.Together, we can make a difference!

【Exciting Updates from ReThink Exhibition HK】Friends of the Earth (HK) joins the 1st Day of the event

FoE(HK) is excited to announce its participation as a key NGO partner and supporting at the ReThink Exhibition in Hong Kong. The organisation has already made a remarkable impact, showcasing innovative offerings and a strong commitment to sustainability.

Visitors to our booth have been captivated by a range of exciting initiatives. One highlight is our presentation of green finance courses, which have garnered significant interest. These courses, including the EFFAS Certified ESG Analyst (CESGA) Programme and Executive Certificate in ESG Analysis & Green Finance Valuation Programme, provide valuable insights into sustainable investing and environmental regulations. Additionally, we are proud to introduce our Tree Planting Challenge programme, a crucial step towards decarbonisation and combating deforestation. Furthermore, as one of the largest local NGO partners who actively participate in used clothes recycling, we aim to spread the message of “treasuring resources” and “waste reduction” throughout the city.

Our Board Governor Mr. Bien Wong, CESGA has also supported the Panel discussion on the 1st day of the event.The ReThink Exhibition serves as a collaborative platform for individuals, organisations, and institutions dedicated to supporting sustainable development. Tomorrow is the last day of the exhibition, so we invite you to visit our booth at ReThink HK 2023. Discover more about our impactful initiatives and programmes for a sustainable future.

[About Friends of the Earth (HK)]

Friends of the Earth (HK) was established in 1983 as a charitable organisation. We are one of Hong Kong’s most prominent green groups which dedicated to promoting sustainable development, conservation, and environmental protection. With a strong focus on advocacy, education, and community engagement, the organisation strives to create a greener and more sustainable future for Hong Kong and beyond. For more information, please visit https://www.foe.org.hk/.