【綠色金融網誌 2024 復活節特別篇】自然匯報 —— 準則是甚麼?

Alexandra Tracy 香港地球之友綠色金融顧問

近年來,監管機構和準則制定者一直在努力調整為氣候而設的報告基礎建構,以適用於生物多樣性。在2023 年 5 月,由幾家著名準則制定機構合併而成的「國際可持續發展準則理事會」(International Sustainability Standards Board,簡稱ISSB),正迅速成為全球主要的匯報權威,並就其未來兩年工作計劃的優先事項發起諮詢及徵求意見。這次諮詢收到了來自市場參與者的四百多份回覆,這清楚地表明人們強烈支持關注生物多樣性和生態系統。


監管機構對自然的關注日益俱增,反映出投資者和環保團體對企業有著越來越多的相關資訊要求,要求說明其對生物多樣性和自然棲息地的影響,及由此帶給自身業務造成的風險資訊。這個情況亦於一些推動方案中反映出,如Finance for Biodiversity Pledge [生物多樣性融資承諾],目前已有160多個簽署方。該承諾要求金融機構通過其投資和融資活動來保護和恢復生物多樣性。

自2022 年 12 月於聯合國生物多樣性大會(United Nations Biodiversity Conference ,簡稱COP15)中達成了一項具有里程碑意義的全球協定,並旨在保護自然並大規模籌集保護資金,越來越多公司開始制定計劃,來限制其對自然生態系統的影響,及發現與投資生物多樣性倡議相關的潛在機遇。


因此,許多公司都在努力了解自身的影響和風險。凱捷研究院(Capgemini Research Institute ,簡稱CRI)的一份報告顯示,在接受調查的近 2 000 名高管中,只有 24% 的人表示他們的公司制定了生物多樣性策略。大多數企業關注氣候變化,及將生物多樣性喪失視為長期風險。



2023 年 5 月,科學目標網絡 (Science Based Targets Network,簡稱SBTN) 發布了第一套淡水和土地企業準則指引文件,並將在年內與 17 間公司(包括百威英博、LVMH、雀巢、Tesco、家樂福和 H&M 集團)共同試用。9 月,自然相關財務披露工作小組 (Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures ,簡稱TNFD) 發布了期待已久的匯報和披露框架,涉及與自然相關的依賴、風險、影響和機遇。今年 1 月,全球報告倡議組織(Global Reporting Initiative,簡稱GRI)發布了生物多樣性準則的重大更新,建議在公司營運和整個供應鏈中進行詳細、針對具體地點的報告。


近期的各種動向顯示出一個積極的特點,準則制定者在相互合作和借鑒方面做出了巨大努力。TNFD很大程度上是建基於氣候相關財務披露工作小組 (Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,簡稱TCFD)本身所提出的方案,並建議在同樣的四個類別中進行披露:治理、策略、風險與影響管理及指標與目標。此外,其最近公布的建議還納入了ISSB於7月公布的最新披露準則。同樣,在其更新的框架中,GRI與 TNFD 和 SBTN 專家密切合作,以確保他們的指引保持一致。


【Green Finance Blog 2024 Easter Special】Reporting on Nature – What’s the Standard?

Alexandra Tracy, Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

Regulators and standard setters have been working diligently over recent years to adapt the reporting infrastructure designed for climate to biodiversity.  In May 2023, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) – a merger of several prominent standard setters which is rapidly becoming the leading global reporting authority – launched a consultation to seek comments on priorities for its upcoming two year work plan.  More than four hundred responses were received from market participants, which made it is clear that there is strong support for a focus on biodiversity and ecosystems.

Biodiversity in Focus

Heightened regulatory interest in nature reflects increasing demands by investors and environmental groups for information from corporates on their impacts on biodiversity and natural habitats, and the consequent risks to their own businesses.  This is reflected in movements such as the Finance for Biodiversity Pledge, committing financial institutions to protecting and restoring biodiversity through their investments and financing activities, which has over 160 signatories. 

Since the United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) in December 2022, when a landmark global deal was agreed to protect nature and mobilise funding at scale for conservation, more companies have begun to draw up plans to limit their impacts on natural ecosystems and to identify the potential opportunities associated with investing in biodiversity initiatives. 

In many ways, the approaches by regulators and environmental groups to encourage movement in this area have been similar to those used to drive action on climate change.  The difference is that, while climate and biodiversity are closely connected, climate impacts are relatively easy to report, but biodiversity is a great deal more complex.  There is no single metric, like carbon emissions, and biodiversity is not spread evenly across the world, as ecosystems are localised and heterogenous.  The lack of historical baselines for nature also makes it considerably more difficult to measure and monitor.

As a result, many companies are struggling to understand their own impact and exposure.  According to a report by the Capgemini Research Institute, only 24 percent of nearly 2,000 executives surveyed said that their company has a biodiversity strategy.  Most corporates are focusing on climate change and consider biodiversity loss as a longer term risk.

Reporting Frameworks Evolving

To assist in the reporting process for nature, there is already a bewildering number of measurement and reporting frameworks, with revisions and new developments being announced at pace.

In May 2023, the Science Based Targets Network (SBTN) released its first set of guidance documents on corporate standards for fresh water and land, which it will trial with a group of 17 companies (including AB InBev, LVMH, Nestlé, Tesco, Carrefour and H&M Group throughout the year.  In September, the Taskforce on Nature Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) published its long awaited reporting and disclosure framework for nature related dependencies, risks, impacts and opportunities.  And in January this year, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) published a major update to its biodiversity standard, recommending detailed, location specific reporting, both within a company’s operations and throughout its supply chain. 

Looking Forward

A positive feature of recent movements is that there has been considerable effort by the standard setters to collaborate and build on each other’s work.  TNFD itself is very much based on the established work of the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures and recommends disclosures in the same four categories: governance, strategy, risk and impact management and metrics and targets.  Moreover, its more recently announced recommendations incorporate the latest disclosure standards announced in July by ISSB.  Similarly, in its updated framework, GRI collaborated closely with TNFD and SBTN experts to ensure that their guidance was aligned.

As ISSB, in its turn, increases its focus on addressing nature and biodiversity, it is expected to move towards developing a global baseline that local jurisdictions can build on for their own reporting frameworks.  Regulators in Hong Kong, who have been working to align local disclosure standards with ISSB’s initial standards on sustainability and climate, are likely to follow closely.

FoE (HK) becomes a Member of the Capacity-building Alliance of Sustainable Investment (CASI) as a Knowledge Partner

On the occasion of the International Day of Forests, Friends of the Earth (HK) (FoE (HK)), one of a most prominent green groups in Hong Kong, is excited to announce our knowledge partner role as a member of the Capacity-building Alliance of Sustainable Investment (CASI), a new global initiative that aims to accelerate the development of sustainable finance in emerging markets and developing economies by providing quality learning programmes, technical assistance, and best practices. This initiative is a significant step towards fulfilling the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This collaboration is a significant milestone for both organizations and opens the door to closer cooperation and knowledge exchange.

CASI was initiated by the Beijing-based Institute of Finance and Sustainability and multiple organizations around the globe, and officially launched at the 28th United Nations Climate Change Conference. The Alliance will leverage the knowledge and distribution channels of its member organizations, which will work together to develop and integrate educational content, tailor learning programs to the specific conditions of developing economies, and deliver them to a wider audience through their networks. The learning programmes will cover various topics, including green taxonomies, sustainability disclosure, financial products and governance, policy incentives, carbon markets, and green project origination.

As a knowledge partner of CASI, FoE (HK) will leverage our expertise, experience in sustainable investment education, and strong industry network to support the alliance’s objectives and initiatives in capacity building. We are committed to contributing to CASI by conducting training programmes in Hong Kong focused on sustainable investment and green finance to nurture green finance talent for Hong Kong and neighbouring developing economies.

Plato Yip, Chairperson of FoE (HK), expressed our excitement about the partnership with CASI and stated: “Friends of the Earth (HK) as one of the first knowledge partner of CASI based in Hong Kong, will definitely work closely with the alliance to engage diverse audiences, promote sustainable finance, and cultivate ESG talents, assist to close the knowledge gap through co-hosting various capacity-building events to strengthen stakeholders’ ability to address industry challenges with CASI.”

Anthony Cheung, Vice-Chairperson and Green Finance Convenor of FoE (HK) concurred by saying: “CASI is a premier global platform which aims to expand global capacity and facilitate sustainable investment activity to EMDEs. We are excited about collaborating with CASI, an international organization, to deliver exemplary practices and offer valuable knowledge in learning programmes aimed at promoting the development of sustainable finance, which primarily benefits professionals from financial regulators and governments, financial institutions, service providers, and corporates that need to originate green and bankable projects.”

As a pioneering environmental group in Hong Kong, FoE (HK) is proud to be the first non-profit organization in the region to join CASI. Together, we will work with CASI to promote sustainable financial development and green investment opportunities at home and abroad through knowledge-sharing and training programs.

Founding members of CASI include:

  • Institute of Finance and Sustainability
  • HKMA Infrastructure Financing Facilitation Office
  • Silk Road Fund
  • HSBC
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Neuberger Berman
  • CFA Institute

To learn more about CASI, please visit here.

To learn more about the EFFAS Certified Environmental, Social, and Governance Analyst (CESGA) Programme, please visit here.

香港地球之友宣布成為可持續投資能力建設聯盟 (CASI) 的知識夥伴成員







CASI創始成員名單 (截止2023年11月底)

  • 北京綠色金融與可持續發展研究院
  • 香港金管局基建融資促進辦公室(HKMA IFFO)
  • 絲路基金
  • 滙豐銀行
  • 渣打銀行
  • 路博邁基金
  • CFA協會(CFA Institute)


按此了解有關EFFAS 環境、社會及管治分析師(CESGA)的課程資訊。



自 2023 年 2 月以來,歐盟排放交易體系下的碳額度價格跌近一半,目前約為每噸 60 歐元。碳價大跌引起市場對該碳市場體系的關注,憂慮低碳價將減緩工業脫碳進程,並導致政府損失氣候行動急需的資金。

據《金融時報》報道,大宗商品數據和分析服務商 ICIS 估算,今年該地區排放的二氧化碳量為 12 億噸,低於 2022 年的14億噸。此外,歐盟正在拍賣額外的碳額度以幫助支付 REPowerEU 能源轉型的費用,也進一步增加市場存在的碳額度。在碳額度需求和供應此消彼長下,碳價也相應下跌。



自成立以來,歐盟排放交易體系已透過拍賣收入為成員國籌集了超過 1,520 億歐元,但較低的碳價格意味著可投入綠色建設的資金隨之減少。低碳價也削弱了工業投資清潔技術的動力。

一些創新的減碳技術如碳捕存,便建立在碳定價的基礎之上,例設立碳市場或碳稅。企業需為碳排放付上成本,才能促使企業採用碳捕存技術。視乎技術和行業,成本估計介乎每噸 CO2 約 10 至 200 美元(約 9 – 180 歐元)之間。

在歐盟擺脫對俄能源依賴以後,政策制定者必須充分碳市場的潛力,防止碳額度供應過剩,提高碳價格,以促進各行投資低碳和減排技術。目前可預見,於 2027 年,市場上將不再有額外的配額來為 REPowerEU 提供資金。為補償提早拍賣的碳額度,年度配額拍賣供應量也會有所減少。屆時歐盟碳市場或將回升至對氣候行動更有利的碳價格水平。