Insights from BUSINESS GOVirtual Expo Panel – “Sustainable Finance and ESG Challenges for the ESG Value-Chain”

Ms. Serena Mak CESGA, Honorary Secretary & Board Governor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

In the Business Go Virtual Expo, FOE Chairman Plato Yip moderated a session on ESG and I had the privilege to join as one of the panelists, alongside Mr. King Leung, Global Head of Financial Services and Fintech, InvestHK; Mr. Victor Yim, Head of Fintech, Cyberport; Ms. Michelle Leung, Head of Asia Metals and Mining, Sustainability, Bloomberg; and Ms. Heidi Ho, Principal Consultant, GS1 Hong Kong.

It was an active exchange during the panel. A few salient points from my own takeaway:

Across the ESG ecosystem of NGOs, Banks, Tech partners and more, there are innovative ideas on how sustainability can be embedded in existing products & services to make a difference. For example, for GS1 which is a global standard setter for barcodes, Heidi shared how technology can aid SMEs in complying with ESG requirements and highlighted the value barcodes in creating trusted trading databases and ensuring product traceability from production to source.

Michelle provided insights into the Bloomberg’s ESG scores, noting their transparency in sector weighting. She offered a nuanced view of Hong Kong’s industries as well as highlighted the impact of disclosure requirements. It was also good knowledge to get to know how the demand and supply of scrap metal will influence global sustainable industries such as EV battery production.

A few of us spoke about SMEs. We’ve got great advise from King from InvestHK, about the importance of including SMEs into the broader sustainability picture, and delved on business advise for SMEs.  Market analysis continues to be a very valuable tool for SMEs to adapt to the new competitive landscape to ensure that companies stay ahead of the curve. Technology would lend a hand too – big data algorithms could one day boost the power of credit analysis in banks via incorporation of multiple data sources, allowing SMEs to get better access to liquidity.

I also had the chance to share my perspective. DBS recently did a survey in Hong Kong on SME’s views regarding sustainability. It’s great to see that over 70% of SMEs have expressed interest to do more on sustainability with over a quarter already taking action. Recent market developments such as sustainable supply chain finance would also help to encourage SMEs to adopt sustainable practices more. In terms of technology development, solutions to verify data and assess ESG performance throughout the supply chain would be more sought after too.

During the panel, Victor also shared insights about how fintech can help to alleviate some data challenges in ESG disclosure. He introduced Hong Kong’s prototype Green Fintech Map, and shared a few developing solutions on how fintech can provide credible ESG data to financial institutions such as banks to fund SMEs. He highlighted the potential of linking bank payment data with carbon emission models and standardizing the cloud platforms for sharing environmental data.

The panel has reinforced the view that ESG is not just a compliance issue for SMEs, but a fundamental business imperative. Whilst business transition may come at a cost, our challenge is to make solutions more accessible to all stakeholders involved. To improve ESG adoption, we need to level the playing field, raise standards, and enhance capabilities across the board.

Climate Hazards

Michele Leung, Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

Climate change is the single greatest challenge humankind has faced and yet, some of its consequences may not be too apparent.  

Climate change has caused many macro market challenges, as well as disruptions to different businesses across various sectors. In 2023, the global average temperature reached a record high of 1.4°C above preindustrial levels. Most population and urbanization are very exposed to extreme heat. It is notable that climate change can also affect worker’s productivity. The extraordinary heat waves of recent summers have sparked complaints and threats of industrial action from workers at firms.

There are many studies pointing that heat and humidity can severely impact human health and functioning. The danger of higher temperature and humidity would impact industry segments form such as construction, agriculture, logistics and mining, as these require outdoor physical activity and high exposure to the sun. It will be critical to integrate the climate change risk as we are entering a hotter future.

Despite all these imminent threats, the market is not appropriately responding to physical risk we face, nor price in negative externalities. Companies and investors shall access the physical climate risk by mapping the asset location data, distinguishing productivity, and quantifying what would be the potential direct and indirect cost.

As per the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong’s latest announcement, all the listed issuers are mandated to provide International Sustainability Standards Board’s (ISSB) aligned climate disclosure from January 1, 2025. They are required to disclose the percentage of assets vulnerable to transition and physical risk. Specifically, under risk management, they have to assess the business continuity under operational risk.  It is evitable that they shall factor in the changing weather patterns and the potential impacts of physical hazards in future scenarios.

Last but not least, it is important to note that most prevalent climate hazards are found in Asia Pacific. Companies and investors shall be better prepared in assessing the risk and keeping pace with the evolving regulatory demand of climate related disclosures.

有效緩和熱島效應 香港必須行多一步

[ESG分析師洞見分享] 劉兆光 , CESGA






一些分區計劃大綱中,個別特定地點可能被指定為「非建築用地」,以增強空氣通風、視覺透明度、街景和景觀質量。這些地區需要聘請專家進行空氣流通評估(Air Ventilation Assessment),以改善建築設計並提升通風效率。然而,目前的空氣流通評估只針對單一建築項目及其周邊,缺乏整體地區性整全規劃。筆者建議,規劃署可借鑑廣州「酷城」行動的經驗,在總體規劃中結合WRF模型(Weather Research and Forecasting Model)優化城市布局,構建主要通風廊道。這將有助於促進自然通風,為城市降溫,從而根本提升城市的宜居性。



本文早前亦於HKEJ 轉載

# 本文章由 EFFAS 環境、社會及管治分析師 (CESGA) 所撰寫。CESGA在歐洲以及全球都具有高度認受性,全球報名人數持續上升。有志報讀的人士,請參閱:


[意見交流園地] 章逸飛博士(港大經管學院經濟學高級講師)、  江梓茵女士(港大經管學院本科生)

生物多樣性風險(biodiversity risk)和氣候風險(climate risk)都是環境問題,但兩者關注的領域和影響因素各有不同。






此外,美國一些行業和非政府組織也倡導企業在可持續發展報告中,提供關於生物多樣性的資訊。雖然並非強制性,但公司為了提高透明度和滿足持份者的要求,每多自願披露相關資料。同時,不少國家和地區鼓勵企業遵循國際性的ESG披露框架,如全球報告倡議組織(Global Reporting Initiative)的可持續發展報告指南,以及金融穩定理事會的氣候相關財務披露工作小組(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)。這些框架中通常也包含了與生物多樣性相關的披露要求。



為了應對生物多樣性風險對農作物的潛在危害,星巴克與保護國際(Conservation International)組織合作,推出「咖啡與農民的公平實踐」(C.A.F.E. Practice)計劃,以確保咖啡農場遵守保護生物多樣性和野生動物棲息地的核心準則。該計劃臚列農業規範和環境措施,旨在有效管理廢物和農藥的使用、節約能源和保護水質,以維護生物多樣性。截至2015年,星巴克已實現超過99%的咖啡豆通過此一嚴格篩選程序。

作為港企龍頭之一的長江實業集團有限公司,將生物多樣性風險納入其企業風險管理系統,並積極識別和評估潛在風險。該集團制定了以下各項生物多樣性政策:一、透過環境影響評估,以減輕其集團業務對自然棲息地的負面影響。二、積極與持份者合作,以互相增強對保護生物多樣性的意識。三、減少業務運營和建築項目對環境的污染,包括減少空氣、噪音和光污染。同時,在現有的基礎設施投資項目(如Northumbrian Water、UK Power Networks)中,採取措施減少產生廢棄物和碳排放,以保護自然環境和生物多樣性。









(本文同時於二零二四年六月十二日載於《信報》「龍虎山下」專欄及港大經管學院網頁) Source: