One Note, one Vote, one Share, one Care, everyone can make a world of difference with the dollar note we spend, the vote we cast, the share we buy and the care we commit for the planetary health that we all depend upon for our common existence and that of our future generations.
To celebrate Earth Day (April 22), Friends of the Earth (HK) launches the “Green Finance Blog” on its website foe.org.hk/greenfinanceblog/ to facilitate exchange of info, trends, ideas and innovative thinking on green and responsible investing.
We are proud to announce FoE (HK)’s collaboration with UBS to share ideas and thought leadership on Sustainable Investing to catalyse public and asset owners-managers’ understanding of ESG investing.
Equally proud is FoE (HK)’s collaboration with HK PolyU to do research and case study analysis on green and responsible investing.
FoE (HK) believes that each one of us in our small ways can generate positive changes to save Planet Earth.
Enlightened investors can help to safeguard a cleaner, greener environment and safer climate for this and future generations.
Think Earth, Grown Future, Invest Green!