
約 21 項, 關於 " Natural gas" 的搜尋結果:

Hong Kong’s leader said little about the environment in policy address (只提供英文版本)
In her first policy address, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor focused on “people-oriented” policies for the elderly and underprivileged, displaying the new administration’s philosophy.
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/專欄文章/hong kong’s leader said little about the environment in policy address (只提供英文版本)
Hong Kong’s switch to natural gas will delay vital steps to tackle climate change (只提供英文版本)
On April 25, the government announced the new 15-year scheme of control agreements with the two power companies. Secretary for the Environment Wong Kam-sing praised the agreements for introducing mechanisms such as feed-in tariffs, incentives for energy efficiency and renewable energy, and moving away from coal.
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/專欄文章/hong kong’s switch to natural gas will delay vital steps to tackle climate change (只提供英文版本)
How Hong Kong can gain from better clean energy goals: save money, save public health, save the world
In Hong Kong, renewable energy sources play a negligible role in power generation and account for less than 1 per cent of total energy consumption...
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/專欄文章/how hong kong can gain from better clean energy goals save money, save public health, save the world
Hong Kong can beat climate change if it acts now, with stronger carbon reduction targets in the 2018 policy address (只提供英文版本)
Extreme weather such as boiling temperatures and towering seas are hitting the world due to climate change. Japan is experiencing a record-breaking heatwave while still recovering from one of the worst floods in decades...
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/專欄文章/hong kong can beat climate change if it acts now, with stronger carbon reduction targets in the 2018 policy address (只提供英文版本)
Policy address an opportunity for Lam to back her promise with action on... (只限中文)
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/專欄文章/policy address an opportunity for lam to back her promise with action on (只限中文)
氣候政策「半桶水」、港府回應「慢半拍」- 香港地球之友回應長遠減碳策略公眾諮詢報告
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/新聞稿/氣候政策「半桶水」、港府回應「慢半拍」- 香港地球之友回應長遠減碳策略公眾諮詢報告
香港地球之友回應2021政報告 : 瞻前顧後,香港必須加速實現零碳、零廢
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/新聞稿/香港地球之友回應2021政報告 瞻前顧後,香港必須加速實現零碳、零廢
香港地球之友回應「香港氣候行動藍圖2050」: 付諸行動 構建「氣候安全」未來
政府今天發表「香港氣候行動藍圖2050」。【香港地球之友】 讚揚環境局採納了本會多年來的建議,成立氣候變化與碳中和辦公室,加強統籌氣候行動和推動深度減碳策略。【香港地球之友】對政府訂立更進取的中期目標,即在2035年前把香港的碳排放總量由2005年水平減半,表示歡迎。
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/新聞稿/香港地球之友回應「香港氣候行動藍圖2050」 付諸行動 構建「氣候安全」未來
香港地球之友促請行政長官候選人 將氣候行動納入政綱
https://www.foe.org.hk/tc/news/政策倡議/新聞稿/香港地球之友促請行政長官候選人 將氣候行動納入政綱