地球之友就碳交易機制建言 人才短缺或失金融領先寶座


中國的全國碳排放權交易市場於7月16日正式啟動。為落實在2060年前達至碳中和的目標,推出全國性的碳排放權交易市場是邁向目標的重要里程。在交易機制底下,碳信用額 (carbon credit) 彷如資本市場中的籌碼,其中每一個碳信用額等於1噸二氧化碳,也可轉換為1噸二氧化碳當量的溫室氣體,而每個碳信用額可於碳排放權交易機制上賣得金錢,而其售價亦與股票市場一樣存在浮動價格。全國碳排放權註册登記機構可通過登記系統,記錄碳排放配額的持有、變更、清繳、注銷等信息,並提供結算服務。







  • 中國的碳排放權交易市場有2,225家電力公司參與其中,所產生的二氧化碳排放總量超過40億噸
  • 歐洲碳交易市場為全球第一個碳市場,於2005年啟動
  • 通過限制企業排放的二氧化碳量,創造競爭從而達到鼓勵企業提高能源效率
  • 成功減少碳排放的企業可以出售未使用的污染配額
  • 超過排放限制的企業可能就須購買更多配額又或是支付罰款
  • 政府可以透過拍賣配額和逐步減少企業被允許排放的污染量並推動企業採用碳減排技術

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Hong Kong: Prospect To Become Green Finance Hub

Mostafa Monira Firdouse, Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

In Last few months, there are number of efforts commenced to push Hong Kong’s status towards of an international green finance center. The establishment of the Greater Bay Area – Green Finance Alliance (GBA-GFA) is one of the key pillars for Hong Kong becoming a global hub for green finance. Regulatory authorities in Hong Kong are now working together to create and detail a strategy for setting credible and consistent standards, in-order to support green finance and sustainability practices globally, there must be consistent measurements and metrics at the international level. The opportunities for Hong Kong as a sustainable finance center are enormous.

Climate change is high on the agenda at the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and Asia where Hong Kong’s position as a hub for global investors – particularly Chinese investors – stands to boost green engagement, according to Eddie Yue, chief executive of the island’s central bank. To scale up the effort, HKMA has adopted a three-phased approach to promote green and sustainable banking.

Looking forward to see;

  • A common framework will be developed to assess greenness baseline by 29 participant banks.
  • Hong Kong Exchanges (HKEX) would also bring more strength to the government’s green targets.
  • New/innovative financial products will come to cater GBA investors.

Visit www.foe.org.hk for more news about Friends of the Earth (HK)!
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FoE (HK) LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/friends-of-the-earth-hk/


香港地球之友綠色金融顧問 黃思靈



2017年12月政府公布了《香港智慧城市藍圖》,在「智慧出行」、「智慧生活」、「智慧環境」、「智慧市民」、「智慧政府」及「智慧經濟」六個範疇下提出76項措施。去年12月公布的《藍圖2.0》更提出超過130項智慧城市措施。發展香港成為智慧城市有四個目標:(1)讓市民的生活更愉快、健康、聰明及富庶,以及讓城市更綠色、清潔、宜居、具可持續性、抗禦力和競爭力;(2) 讓企業可利用香港友善的營商環境,促進創新,將城市轉型為生活體驗區及發展試點;(3) 更妥善關顧長者及青年人,令大眾對社會更有歸屬感,同時令工商界、市民和政府進一步數碼化和更通曉科技;(4) 減省資源消耗,令香港更加環保,同時保持城市的活力、效率和宜居性。


恒指選股並非以ESG、環保、新能源等作主要考量,然而本次三間公司的納入可見此類型公司對社區的重要性日益增加。指數只能按規則被動地選擇成份股,但我們可以主動支持這些企業。Green Finance是第一步,往後應該是更廣義的Smart Finance。

瀏覽香港地球之友網頁 www.foe.org.hk 了解更多
綠色金融 Facebook 專頁: https://www.facebook.com/greenfinancefoehk/
香港地球之友 LinkedIn 專頁: https://www.linkedin.com/company/friends-of-the-earth-hk/

Demanding Changes for Oil and Gas Companies / 石油和天然氣公司進行變革時辰到

Green Finance Advisor of Friends of the Earth (HK)

The heat we are having since late April is suggesting that Hong Kong will have a very hot summer. Regardless of the sceptics and denials of climate science by some people, our personal experience easily confirmed that the change of climate is true without doubt. In Hong Kong, the number of very hot days and very hot nights are trending up while the number of cold days is trending down.[1] The pace of the change, which has accelerated in the past few years, is most worrying. That being said, as United States – the world’s second largest carbon emitter –  returned to the Paris climate accord, we see more hope now for faster, tighter global coordination to tackle climate change. More importantly, the new US administration under Biden has some promises for greening its energy and transportation in the proposed US$2 trillion infrastructure bill.

However, it is never easy to gain bipartisan support for new bills and other measures for mitigating climate change. This is particularly true under the political influence of the oil and gas industry, which has been reluctant to decarbonize. Noticeably, fossil fuel combustion accounts for 75% of the US greenhouse gas emission and oil and gas contributes 69% of the country’s energy source. Given the firm economic and political bonding between the oil and gas industry and the country, the Biden administration needs exceptionally strong willpower and bold moves to advance climate change agenda.

According to the latest report from the International Energy Agency (IEA), the world does not need any new development of oil and gas fields in 2021 and beyond on our 2050 net-zero pathway. Between 2020 and 2050, oil and gas demand will fall 75% and 55% respectively. The supply of oil and gas by 2050 will come only from a small group of low-cost producers. OPEC has the clear cost advantage and is expected to supply more than half of world’s oil by 2050, higher than its 34% market share for 2020. While some of the existing US oil and gas companies could survive, we expect a lot more will be closed, transformed or bankrupted. Based on this analysis, all oil and gas companies should consider seriously their future under the 2050 net zero scenario and adopt dramatic changes to their operation and business model.

We are glad to see commitments from the like of BP, which announced plan to cut production and transform its business to more clean-energy aligned. However, these plans are rare in the oil and gas industry. More companies have set targets of reducing emission intensity but not their total emission. Some companies such as ExxonMobil and Chevron are still considering new oil and gas projects and plan to increase production in the medium term. These oil and gas companies, which are in slow motion to climate change or have the “business as usual” mentality, will not only be self-destructing and but also result in significant cost to the future of human. Noticeably, a 2019 report showed that fossil fuel industry misled Americans about climate change.[2] Another report published on 13 May 2021 indicated how oil companies used language to make people blame themselves for climate change[3]. Now is time for the authorities of the US and other countries to hold oil and gas companies accountable for their costs to climate.

[1] The Year’s Weather – 2020, Hong Kong Observatory, https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/pastwx/2020/ywx2020.htm

[2]America Misled: How the fossil fuel industry deliberately misled Americans about climate change, https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/america-misled

[3] Rhetoric and frame analysis of ExxonMobil’s climate change communications, https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(21)00233-5

Visit www.foe.org.hk for more news about Friends of the Earth (HK)!
Green Finance Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/greenfinancefoehk/
FoE (HK) LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/friends-of-the-earth-hk/

從四月下旬以來的我們所感受到溫度來看,估計明香港將有一個非常酷熱的夏天。 儘管有人對氣候科學表示懷疑和否認,但從我們的親身經歷可以證實氣候變化是毋庸置疑。 在香港,酷熱的日子和酷炎的夜晚數量呈上升趨勢,而寒冷的日子則呈下降趨勢。[1] 最令人擔憂的是這一變化在過去幾年正在加速。話雖如此,隨著美國(世界第二大碳排放國)重返巴黎氣候協定,我們相信全球協調來應對氣候變化將比以往來的更有希望。 更重要的是,在拜登領導下的美國新政府在擬議的2萬億美元基礎設施法案中,看到對綠化能源和交通運輸有一定的承諾。

但是,要獲得共和兩黨對新法案和其他緩解氣候變化措施的共同支持,絕非易事。 在不願脫碳的石油和天然氣行業的政治影響下,尤其如此。 值得注意的是,化石燃料燃燒佔美國溫室氣體排放量的75%,而石油和天然氣提供該國69%的能源。 鑑於石油和天然氣行業與國家之間牢固的經濟和政治聯繫,拜登政府需要非凡的意志力和大膽的舉措來推進氣候變化議程。

根據國際能源署(IEA)的最新報告,在2050年實現零排放的路上,2021年及以後世界根本不需要任何新的油氣田開發。 從2020年到2050年,石油和天然氣需求將分別下降75%和55%。 到2050年,石油和天然氣的供應僅來自一小部分低成本生產商。油組(OPEC)具有明顯的成本優勢,預計到2050年將供應全球一半以上的石油,高於2020年其34%的市場份額。儘管一些現有的美國石油和天然氣公司可以生存,但我們預計更多的公司將結業,轉性或破產。基於此分析,所有石油和天然氣公司都應認真考慮其在2050年零排放的前情景下的未來,並對其運營和商業模式做出重大改變。

我們很高興看到BP等公司宣佈了減產計畫並將其業務往清潔能源方向轉型。 但是,這類型的計劃在石油和天然氣行業中屬於小數。更多的公司只設定了降低排放強度但不降低總排放量的目標。埃克森美孚和雪佛龍等一些公司仍在考慮新的石油和天然氣項目,並計劃在中期增加產量。石油和天然氣公司在應對氣候變化問題上步履遲緩,或者俱有「一切照舊」的心態。這樣下去這些公司不僅會自我毀滅,還會給人類的未來造成巨大的損失。 值得注意的是,2019年的一份報告顯示,化石燃料行業在氣候變化方面誤導了美國人。[2] 2021年5月13日發布的另一份報告指出,石油公司如何利用語言使人們為氣候變化而自責。[3] 現在是時候美國和其他國家/地區的監管機構要求石油和天然氣公司對氣候變化承擔責任。

[1] The Year’s Weather – 2020, Hong Kong Observatory, https://www.hko.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/pastwx/2020/ywx2020.htm

[2] America Misled: How the fossil fuel industry deliberately misled Americans about climate change, https://www.climatechangecommunication.org/america-misled/

[3] Rhetoric and frame analysis of ExxonMobil’s climate change communications, https://www.cell.com/one-earth/fulltext/S2590-3322(21)00233-5

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